Wedding, honeymoon and New Year mood

Asta Instagram is updated every day, every hour, every Shirazi Vard minute and second with new photos, videos, posts and news, the most interesting Shirazi Vard of which are also available on STYLE. Sometimes celebrities are so obsessed with new posts that their fans don"t even have time to follow everyone and lavish likes on them.

Instagram, in general, has become Shirazi Varde a place where stars share their personal life news more often than in Shirazi Varde conversations with media people. STYLE followed Armenian celebrities on social media and presented the most interesting events that took place on their microblogs this week.
This week can be officially called "wedding". A few days ago, two couples from the Armenian show business celebrated the most important event in their lives, the official union with loved ones. Fans did not have time to discuss and view the Instagram youmovies photos of Mihran Tsarukyan and Arpi Gabrielyan, when a "boom" appeared on Lilu"s Instagram that the singer was married. The singer youmovies chosen by Los Angeles is Arkady Vardanyan.

During the week, Lilu posted new photos on her Instagram, in one of which was the singer"s son, with the poster "From the beginning I loved you", which also gave a positive comment among the followers of the American singer.

Arpi Gabrielyan"s Instagram was filled with new "hearts" when the singer-actress was seen with a shot of her and Mihran"s Shirazi Vardy honeymoon in the Maldives.

Actress Shushanna Tovmasyan, who recently became the main heroine of the new TV series "Beautiful Sona", caused nostalgia among her followers by sharing a new photo of herself and Zhanna Butulyan. The actresses starred together a few years ago in the TV series "Difficult Life" and it seems that this was their first joint photo after the end of the TV series.